The second edition of this workshop, organized by the Sail & Explore Association between June 26th and 30th, involved 25 Swiss, Italian, French and Serbian students. The goal was to investigate and understand the flows and losses of plastic waste on the island of Elba and to identify projects that represent long-term solutions to the plastic waste problem. The lecturers involved were Martina Capriotti (University of Camerino), Giuseppe Suaria (ISMAR-CNR), Marta Musso (PosSeaLerici), Franco Borgogno (European Research Institute) and Roman Lehner, the founder of the association.
The students worked together with the experts, to find practical and daily solutions that help to quickly remedy the phenomenon of plastic pollution in the marine ecosystem of the island of Elba. The students elaborated and tested small-scale projects aimed at reducing, reusing, refusing and recycling plastic on the Island of Elba. The ideas and projects developed by the students were presented to the public and to the island authorities in Marciana Marina at the SEIF (Sea Essence International Festival), organized by the Acquadell’Elba Foundation, which this year will be dedicated to the ecological transition.