D1.1 Report on Management Procedures
The report on management procedures describes the project’s collaborative cloud-based partner space (Intranet), the storage space to be secured for sampler / sensor specification details to facilitate integration and collaborative deployments and the project management toolkit.

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D1.2 External Advisory Board Report 1
An annual report and evaluation provided by the External Advisory Board providing their overall assessment of NAUTILOS and advice on the future direction of the project. The following deliverable is be the report following their meeting after MM3 in M12.

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D1.3 Data Management Plan
The Data Management Plan (DMP) of the project is written, in compliance with the H2020 Data Management Guidelines, also based on inputs from WP8. It outlines a data management policy, including data to be generated by the project, its potential exploitation, curation and preservation. Additionally, in line with the principles of Open Access to research data and publications generated through H2020 programmes, NAUTILOS participates in the Open Research Data Pilot carried out by the European Commission.

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D1.4 Quality Plan

NAUTILOS Quality Plan describes the quality processes and procedures to be adopted within NAUTILOS. It provides a detailed presentation of the quality management process procedures and timing – quality review, deliverable review, peer reviews, stage- gate reviews and the deadlines for each. There are sections on risk management, issues management, quality of the communication. The following deliverable represents the initial version of the plan.

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D1.5 EthAB Reports
The Ethics Advisory Board Reports will from an integral part of the EAB Reports to be submitted in M12, M24, M36 and M48. The following report will be a compilation of all 4 Ethics Advisory Board reports highlighting the issues encountered, the feedback provided as well as final decisions taken as regards the ethics policy of the project.
D1.6 External Advisory Board Report 2

An annual report and evaluation provided by the External Advisory Board providing their overall assessment of NAUTILOS and advice on the future direction of the project. The following deliverable is the report following their meeting after MM5 in M24.

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D1.7 External Advisory Board Report 3
An annual report and evaluation provided by the External Advisory Board providing their overall assessment of NAUTILOS and advice on the future direction of the project. The following deliverable will be the report following their meeting after MM7 in M36.

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D1.8 External Advisory Board Report 4

An annual report and evaluation provided by the External Advisory Board providing their overall assessment of NAUTILOS and advice on the future direction of the project. The following deliverable will be the final report following their meeting after MM9 in M48.

D1.9 Final Quality Plan

NAUTILOS Quality Plan describes the quality processes and procedures adopted within NAUTILOS. It provides a detailed presentation of the quality management process both as procedures and timing – quality review, deliverable review, peer reviews, stage- gate reviews and the deadlines for each. There are sections on risk management, issues management, quality of communication. The following deliverable represents the final version of the plan.

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D1.10 Data management plan

In this deliverable an update of the DMP at M18 will be reported.

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D1.11 Data Management Plan - 2nd periodic report update
In this deliverable an update of the DMP at M36 will be reported.

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D1.12 Final Data Management Plan
In this deliverable the finalization of the DMP at time of project end will be reported.


D2.1 A review and prospectus of the mandate for marine environmental monitoring systems: technology challenges and opportunities
This report compiles the outcomes of the work performed in Task 2.1 (Political and societal drivers and requirements), informing on the potential of evolving trends in technological progress in advancing contemporary marine environmental monitoring practices and examining the role any resulting changes in established operating paradigms could play in shaping the socio-political framework defining ocean observing needs at the global and European levels.

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D2.2 Document describing technical requirements required for sensors in WP3 and WP4

Review of technical requirements for marine sensor systems and the evaluation and establishment of technical requirements for NAUTILOS based on the need to ensure compatibility, modularity, and durability. Cost-savings and manufacturing scalability are considered.

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D2.3 Integrated ICD - Interface Control Document for partners’ vehicles, platforms and infrastructure

The document compiles all relevant information for 1) technical requirements and specifications for sensors and samplers developed in this project, 2) Standard sensor and system specifications including sensor electronics, mechanics, material selection, biofouling, communication systems, protocols, data management, analytics, and 3) Sensor integration requirements: platform-independent, use of standards (e.g. communication protocols), low-power, cost-effectiveness (low man power demand).

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D3.1 Report and fabrication of a dissolved oxygen sensors based on fluorescence quenching
Report and fabrication of a dissolved oxygen sensors based on fluorescence quenching: a novel system based on the direct measurement of the fluorescence time decay constant will be developed; the exponential decay of the fluorescence will be measured without any exciting light source, eliminating the need for a selective filtering; a high-performance time-to-digital converter will be used to extrapolate fluorescence time constant and hence dissolved oxygen concentration.

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D3.2 Report on the development of Dissolved Oxygen and Chlorophyll-a sensors for fishery vessels

We will produce a report on the development of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a sensors for fishery vessels. Technical specification will be defined in terms of accuracy measurement, limit of detection for DO and Chl-a measurement. New design of fluorescence sensor will be modelized optically. Qualification, metrology testing in laboratory and local field trials will be reported. A communication Hub will be defined for interfaced sensors with fishery vessels.

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D3.3 Report on laboratory tests of downward looking sensors

Findings will be presented on the evaluation and validation of controlled laboratory tests with multi/hyperspectral and laser induced fluorescence sensors and cameras for suitability in terms of deployment on ships and drones for measuring seawater temperature and ocean color/chl a.

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D3.4 Report on initial laboratory and tank tests of Passive Broadband Acoustic Recording Sensor

The report will report performance with reference to the relevant technical requirements of D2.2, including functional capability, frequency response, noise floor, dynamic range, directionality, and power consumption.

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D3.5 Report on initial tank tests of Passive Acoustic Event Recorder

The report will report performance with reference to the relevant technical requirements of D2.2, including functional capability, event detection sensitivity, directionality, and power consumption.

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D3.6 Report on initial laboratory tests of Active Acoustic Profiling Sensor

The report will report performance with reference to the relevant technical requirements of D2.2, including functional capability, noise floor, dynamic range, particle discrimination capability, and power consumption.

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D3.7 Report on laboratory tests of suspended matter sampler hardware/software

Findings will be presented on the evaluation and validation of controlled laboratory tests with hardware and software components for unattended and precise operation of flow rate, pressure, and reproducibility of an automated suspended matter filtration system.

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D3.8 Report on development and initial testing of concept change detection system to trigger event-based sampling

DFKI will develop an AI system to enable early concept change detection to trigger event-based sampling. The following report will be a deliverable on the development and initial testing.

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D4.1 Report on the development of carbonate chemistry/ocean acidification sensors

Findings will be presented on the evaluation and validation of controlled laboratory tests with existing and novel carbonate system sensors measuring seawater across a range of environmentally-relevant carbonate system conditions.

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D4.2 Report on the development and laboratory tests of Silicate electrochemical sensor

We will produce a report on the development and laboratory tests of silicate electrochemical sensor. The silicate sensor will be optimized in a new version with a faster response time. An algorithm of data post-processing will be perfected and optimized, for integration into the sensor. Metrology, qualification testing and analytical characterization of silicate sensors will be reported.

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D4.3 Report on the development of standard device for sampling nano- and microplastic particles in the ocean

A report will be delivered with technical and practical information regarding the development of an sampling device for nano- and microplastic particles in the ocean.

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D4.4 Report on the development and characterization of low-cost of a new microplastic fluorescence sensor for microplastic detection

The low-cost fluorescence microplastic sensor developed by CSEM and NIVA will be thoroughly characterized in lab conditions using artificial seawater samples spiked with fragments of the most common polymers, to determine the sensor’s limit of detection, specificity and recovery rate. The deliverable report D4.4 will summarize the results of these tests and will give an overview of the sensor’s building blocks and operation.

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D4.5 Report on development and laboratory tests of Deep ocean CTD sensor

– Investigation and definition of detection concept including setting up of measurements and parameters extraction procedures (6M),
– Development of front-end electronics and sensors signal conditioning (12M),
– Assembling CTD sensors and front-end electronics into housing and prototype testing (18M-24M)

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D4.6 Report on development event-based sampling

Report on development event-based sampling.

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D4.7 Report on the development of the radioactivity sensor

The D4.7 will summarise the results of the development of a pre-competitive prototype for in-situ low-level radioactivity measurements in the deep ocean (>2000 m). The key specs of the radioactivity sensor are the small dimensions (~40 cm of length), its low power consumption (< 1W) and its capability to be integrated in ocean observing platforms.

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D5.1 Report on “Novel multi-platform cooperative network integration”
Report on “Novel multi-platform cooperative network integration”. It will describe the common interface protocol for communications, according to standards – acoustic (underwater)/RF (surface) communications. The JANUS international standard will be adopted for acoustics underwater communication.

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D5.2 Report on integration of sensors on Unmanned Vehicles/ Platforms

Report on integration of sensors on Unmanned Vehicles/ Platforms.
The Report will describe the internal architecture of platforms (unmanned vehicles, buoys, landers, etc.) and their integration with different sensor families, through suitable interface protocols (mechanica, hardware and software), to be shared amongst involved teams. It will include a description of standard electrical connectors, with harness schemes, electronic board layout and dimensions.

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D5.3 Report on integration of payloads/sensors on ASV
Report on integration of payloads/sensors on ASV.

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D5.4 Report on integration of payloads/sensors on UAV
Report on integration of payloads/sensors on UAV.

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D5.5 Report on Silicate sensor integration on a profiling float

We will produce a report based on the integration and interface of the silicate sensor on a profiling float. We will report the work to be done in laboratory and local field testing. We will evaluate the effects of adding the new generation of silicate sensor to the float and its interaction with this platform hardware / and software prior to deployment.

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D5.6 Validation and integration report on ships of opportunity
This report will be related to Task 5.3 (Sensor integration into ships of opportunity) activities including “Integration of DO and Chl-a sensor and Hub system on fishing vessels” (ST5.3.1) and “Integration of sensors/samplers on FerryBox ships of opportunity” (ST5.3.2) and will include description of sensors validation and of the integration process onto vessels facilities and/or instruments already available on the ships, to be carried out before demonstration phase in WP7. Also IFREMER, NKE, NIVA, SYKE, HCMR and CSEM will contribute to this deliverable.

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D5.7 Report on integration of payloads/sensors on Lander platform
Report on integration of payloads/sensors on Lander platform.

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D5.8 Data sheet of final animal towed tagging system with O2 sensor
Data sheet of final animal towed tagging system with O2 sensor.

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D6.1 Report on results and methodology of calibration/validation experiments performed in T6.1

The D6.1 will summarize the results of the calibration/validation lab experiments performed by the T 6.1 partners (sub-tasks 6.1 to 6.6) for the laboratory characterization (accuracy, precision and reliability) of the sensors and systems developed in WPs 3 and 5.These will include 1) dissolved oxygen and fluorescence sensors for fishing vessels (sub-T 3.1.2) ; 2) downward-looking sensors for ocean platforms and aerial drones (T3.2); 3) passive acoustic sensors (T3.3); 4) active acoustic profiling sensor (T3.4); 5) dissolved oxygen sensor for animal tagging (T5.5); 6) sampler for phytoplankton and other suspended matter (T3.5).

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D6.2 Report on results and methodology of calibration/validation experiments performed in T6.2
Report on the various calibration/validation activities related to WP4 involving carbonate system sensors, silicate sensor, deep ocean CTD, microplastics sampler, and microplastics sensor (subtasks 6.2.1-6.2.5) using a combination of lab, large tank (mesocosm), and pressure tank facilities using environmentally-relevant range of variables to assess accuracy, precision, and reliability.

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D6.3 Report on testing results of the joint operations of sensors, buoy, lander and ASV in ST6.3.1
The D6.3 will report the results of the joint operations of different sensors (WP5) and platforms (buoy, lander and ASVs) installed in existing operational observatories (e.g. POSEIDON), which will be developed in sub-Task 6.3.1. Details for a novel sampling scheme and documentation of the necessary improvements in order to achieve fully operational status will be included in the report.

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D6.4 Report on the testing results of the joint operations of sensors, buoy and AUV in ST6.3.2
Report on the testing results of the joint operations of sensors, buoy and AUV in ST6.3.2.

The report will describe results of Field measurements to be conducted in the experimental site of Capo Tirone (Cosenza, Italy) using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), a buoy and a boat. It will report the results of simultaneous data gathering from the three systems and related sensors.
Last. it will also report on a GIS-based statistic data-analysis, based on geospatial interpolation of the collected dataset validated with a “CrossValidation” procedure on the various types of parameters, trying to find correlation between different sensors developed in NAUTILOS.

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D6.5 Report on the testing results of the joint operations of sensors and UAV in ST6.3.3
Report on the testing results of the joint operations of sensors and UAV in ST6.3.3.

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D7.1 Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems demonstration mid-term

This report will be related to Task 7.1 (Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems) demonstration activities, including those for “Fisheries Observing Systems” (ST7.1.1), “Novel approach to Aquaculture Observing Systems” (ST7.1.2) and “Demonstration of Acoustic Marine Mammal Monitoring System” (ST7.1.3); all progresses made on sensors demonstrations in different geographical areas from M24 up to M40 will be reported and also NIVA, HCMR, IFREMER, Aquatec, NKE, DFKI will contribute.

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D7.2 Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems demonstration final report
This report will be related to Task 7.1 (Fisheries and Aquaculture Observing Systems) demonstration activities, including those for “Fisheries Observing Systems” (ST7.1.1), “Novel approach to Aquaculture Observing Systems” (ST7.1.2) and “Demonstration of Acoustic Marine Mammal Monitoring System” (ST7.1.3); all progresses made on sensors demonstrations in different geographical areas from M40 up to M48 will be reported, conclusions derived from demonstrations will be summarised. Also NIVA, HCMR, IFREMER, Aquatec, NKE, DFKI will contribute to the deliverable.
D7.3 Platforms of Opportunity and Ferryboxes demonstration final report
The report will provide description of the demonstration action technical setup for testing the sensors developed in T3.2, T3.5, T4.1, and T4.4 and integrated in T5.3.2. D7.3. analyses the data collected in relation to other available validation data, assess the TRL levels of sensors, analyse their fit-for-purpose in Platforms of Opportunity for the use in aquaculture and coastal and shelf-sea-related activities, and, if needed, provides recommendations for future developments.
D7.4 Augmented Observing Systems demonstrations final report
The D7.4 will report the efforts made in demonstrating the project technological products in parallel or embedded operations in the already existing coastal POSEIDON Heraklion Coastal Buoy (HCB), the open sea E1M3A station and during a deep sea experiment with the Lander platform.
D7.5 Report on the demonstration of silicate sensor on ARGO float in the Mediterranean Sea
The electrochemical sensor for silicate measurement will be deployed on ARGO float in the Mediterranean Sea. The data will be integrated and used to produce scientific outputs. We will report in D7.5 the demonstration of silicate sensor on ARGO float. This D7.5 will be a key scientific report from this WP. The demonstration on float is a key to the commercial exploitation of new sensors as it demonstrates the utility of these sensors.
D7.6 Report on Animal Borne Instruments demonstrations
Report on Animal Borne Instruments demonstrations.
D7.7 Report on final reached TRL of NAUTILOS technological products
This Technology Readiness Level (TRL) report will summarize the improvements of the project sensors products using the TRL scale as a common methodology to characterize the progress and the final reached status.


D8.1 Technical documentation and operational field primary data capture systems
The deliverable will be a report discussing the available tools for guaranteeing that project documents will be achieved, and long-term publicly available and referable. Services and tools such as SEANOE, Zenodo, ResearchGate, etc., will be considered and discussed. Finally, the deliverable will define a method to be applied to the project documents (according to the disclosure document level).

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D8.2 Interoperability requirements definition
The deliverable describes the machine-to-machine standards and protocols. It considers both common interoperability recommendations (e.g. OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium) up to European Directives for metadata description (e.g. INSPIRE). The analysis supports the selection of dissemination channels and services as well as the data and metadata presentation.

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D8.3 Data management workflow
The deliverable will be a report describing common methods for parameter-platform management, from collection (and procedures for data quality insurance) to dissemination by making data available and linkable to other European Infrastructure such as EMODnet, CMEMS, SeaDataNet etc. as well as European directives (e.g. INSPIRE). To this aim, standards such as controlled vocabularies for metadata will be discussed and adopted.
In case of new data for which a harmonized workflow is not yet consolidated, NAUTILOS will design it and interact with other initiatives (e.g EMODnet Ingestion) designed to collect and store new and orphan data.The deliverable will be a report describing common methods for parameter-platform management, from collection (and procedures for data quality insurance) to dissemination by making data available and linkable to other European Infrastructure such as EMODnet, CMEMS, SeaDataNet etc. as well as European directives (e.g. INSPIRE). To this aim, standards such as controlled vocabularies for metadata will be discussed and adopted.
In case of new data for which a harmonized workflow is not yet consolidated, NAUTILOS will design it and interact with other initiatives (e.g EMODnet Ingestion) designed to collect and store new and orphan data.

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D8.4 Design of Thematic Assembly Center for innovative parameters

Following the outcome of D8.3, this deliverable will describe in practice (technical design) how to set up a dedicated NAUTILOS assembly center for the parameters not yet managed by other initiatives, and so anticipating what the European integrators and infrastructures could implement.

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D8.5 Interoperability services and catalogues
To guarantee the maximal visibility of the NAUTILOS project products a dedicated catalogue will collect and list the produced data products. There are different tools and services to set up catalogues e.g. Sextant, GeoNetwork, EPOS, etc. The report will discuss pros vs. cons of the available solutions and identify the best option for the project. The catalogue will also be linked with dissemination tools/channels such as ERDAPP or THREDDS that will guarantee easy interoperability and up to date machine-to-machine services. The document will discuss the technical implementation of this solution.

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D8.6 Model approach implementation and specifications
D8.6 specifies the model setup structures, data sources and simulation procedures for the three modelling pilot sites (Coast of Algarve, Med Sea and Fjord system). Additionally, the deliverable will provide the results of the nature runs created, with detailed evaluation of quality and error assessment, through rigorous validation procedures using both existent observation data (e.g EMODNET / CMEMS) and observation data made available by NAUTILUS when applicable.

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D8.7 Fully developed Graphic User Interface
This deliverable will consist of the deployment of the Project’s web portal through which the storage and management of the integrated data regarding NAUTILOS, and the services defined and implemented during Task 8.4 will be organized. The tools and services for data management and visualization will be planned and implemented in close connection with end-users requirements..

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D8.8 Citizen Science tools and Interface
This deliverable will consist of the specific tools and interface for supporting the Citizen Science Campaigns, to integrate the data produced during these activities (see Task 12.2) within the web portal. The interface, realized in Task 8.4, will be based on geo-referenced maps indicating, for instance, plastic litter data. An accompanying report with the guidelines for the usage of these tools and interface will be produced.

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D8.9 Automatic image analysis tools
This deliverable will consist of the implementation of image analysis tools based on methods and algorithms designed explicitly to perform different automatic classifications. These tools will be used and applied both on already available and acquired images during the project. An accompanying report describing the tools will be produced.

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D9.1 Evaluation of the impact of NAUTILOS observation strategies
D9.1 will describe the assimilation experiments performed using the hydrodynamic models in the three modelling pilot sites (Coast of Algarve, Med Sea and Fjord system), evaluating the impact of the new NAUTILOS observation strategies on the improvement of ocean forecasting. The deliverable will define most advantageous observation strategies, including density, frequency, and nature of observed variables, contributing to define new standards on Ocean Observation focused on improving model accuracy.
D9.2 OSSE assessment
Assessment of how assimilation of new NAUTILOS sensor data improves various physical, biological, and biogeochemical aspects of various models in Norwegian and Mediterranean seas. The environmental impact from aquaculture waste will also be assessed using simulated output.
D9.3 Advanced advection diffusion modelling tool
D9.3 includes the development of a coupled hydrodynamical-biogeochemical model which will be used to assess the distribution of marine litter and microplastic particles within test regions (Greece and Norway). In addition, plastic pollution hotspots of aggregation will be identified and the risk for ecosystems will be evaluated.
D9.4 Report on remote sensing matchups
Report on remote sensing matchups with in situ observations during Norwegian and Aegean Sea demonstrations (T7.2).
D9.5 KPI definition for the NAUTILOS data management and dissemination infrastructure

One of the most important outcomes for a project producing new valuable data is the assessment of the use and adoption of such result. The deliverable describes the methodology to run this assessment and the definition of the key performance indicators of the project in terms of the use of the data, connection of third party infrastructures to NAUTILOS data and product, tracking of the citation of the NAUTILOS docs, deliverables, and data.

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D9.6 KPI assessment 1
Following the definition of D9.5, two more documents will delivered to track and discuss about the impact of the Nautilos project. The first will be delivered in M36.

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D9.7 KPI Assessment 2
Following the definition of D9.5, two more documents will delivered to track and discuss about the impact of the Nautilos project. The second will be delivered in M48.


D10.1 Outreach, Communication and Dissemination Strategy
The following report will outline the communication and dissemination strategy and actions that will be implemented throughout the project’s lifetime in order to achieve the project’s widest promotion, greatest visibility and awareness to the external audiences with a particular emphasis on citizen science campaigns.

The Communication and Dissemination Plan will provide the framework and structure of all project information, communication and activities; will define the communication goals, the objectives and timelines; will allocate responsibilities on a per partner level and define a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the quantification and measurement of the communication and dissemination activities’ success.

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D10.2 NAUTILOS Project Website

The project’s website will be created by M4 and will function at least 2 years after the project’s end. It will include:
1) public area – the public area will provide information on the project, the consortium, the project results (including public deliverables etc.) and KER, topic related information, news and links, past and upcoming events, social media links.
2) private area – to facilitate the dialogue and exchange of information within the consortium, hold all the reference documentation that partners will need during the project.

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D10.3 Policy Briefs
The deliverable will provide concise summary of information that can help readers understand NAUTILOS interests and line of action, including policy recommendations. The deliverable will be a summary of the 2 sets of policy briefs to be created throughout the project.

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D10.4 Dissemination impact reports - 1

A summarized report on the ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the dissemination activities in the first two years of the project.

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D10.5 Strategic Policy Agenda

Strategic plan to frame the policy engagement and define common priorities between the different players.

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D10.6 Report on communication activities at key events
Report on the outcomes of the attendance to key events in the scope of policy engagement strategy.

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D10.7 Report on established synergies
The following report will outline the synergies established with R&I marine observation projects developed in NAUTILOS from M1 until M48. Special focus will be put on developing synergies and avoiding overlapping activities with the twin project funded under H2020 BG-07-2019-2020.
D10.8 Outreach, Communication and Dissemination Strategy 2

The report outlines the communication and dissemination strategy and actions that are implemented throughout the project’s lifetime in order to achieve the project’s widest promotion, greatest visibility and awareness to the external audiences with a particular emphasis on citizen science campaigns.
The Communication and Dissemination Plan provides the framework and structure of all project information, communication and activities; it defines the communication goals, the objectives and timelines; allocates responsibilities on a per partner level and defines a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the quantification and measurement of the communication and dissemination activities’ success.

The following is the 1st update of the deliverable first presented in M2.

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D10.9 Report on Citizen Science Campaigns (WP10)
D10.7 will report on the activities and progress of the two citizen science campaigns which will be organised in T10.4. These will include: a) crowd-sourcing for visual marine image annotations and b) the creation of a network of diving associations provided with NAUTILOS novel low-cost sensors.
D10.10 Dissemination Impact Reports - 2
A summarized report on the ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the dissemination activities in the final two years of the project. It will also present a compiled summary of the overall dissemination effectiveness throughout the project.


D11.1 NAUTILOS Exploitation Strategy
The deliverable will provide the Exploitation Plan and IPR Management Strategy of NAUTILOS. It will outline access rights and IPRs (Background, Foreground, Sideground, Postground, Access Rights), risk analysis and mitigation measures, complete review of current open source and open hardware licenses outlining application to the project scope.

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D11.2 Open Access Instrumentation Roadmap

The deliverable outlines a marine instrumentation roadmap of available technology for oceanography stakeholders (e.g. industry, policymakers, researchers). It is a ten-year open access roadmap for marine instrumentation presenting information from industrial companies, universities and research centers including the name of the sensor/instrument, the application area or type of technology, maturity level (TRL) and information about its ongoing or planned commercialization. The roadmap builds on H2020 AtlantOS project, and information from EurOcean’s infobase – Marine Knowledge Gate 3.0 (H2020 Common Sense project) and results from NeXOS project and following the general community recommendations on FAIR data (Toste et al. 2019).

A final version of the roadmap building on the roadmap developed in M24 will be included in the final version of the NAUTILOS Exploitation Strategy.

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D11.3 Brokerage Events Meeting Protocols
This deliverable will report on the 2 brokerage events which will be carried out as part of NAUTILOS mid- and final conferences.
D11.4 NAUTILOS Environmental Impact Assessment - final
The deliverable will present the final economic impact assessment for NAUTILOS.
D11.5 NAUTILOS Socio-Economic Impact Assessment - final
The deliverable will present the final socio-economic impact assessment for NAUTILOS.
D11.6 NAUTILOS Environmental Impact Assessment

The following deliverable presents an EIA of the environmental impacts of the development and demonstration activities within NAUTILOS and their cumulative effects. Assessment is carried out in terms of impacts of animal borne sensors, noise pollution, the expendability and fate of devices used as they approach their end of lifetime, demonstration phases employing single-use, disposable sensors and waste management procedure.

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D11.7 NAUTILOS Exploitation Strategy - final
The final version of the project’s exploitation strategy including the final version of the Open Access Roadmap.
D11.8 NAUTILOS Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

The deliverable will present in a report format the economic impact assessment for NAUTILOS to be used as a tool during the later stages of the project and throughout its exploitation (incl. post-project) to build stakeholder support for the project results (focusing in particular on impacts no. 7 – economic value and no. 9 – policy making), support the creation of future business cases and inform decision makers.

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D12.1 ESPCE report on collaborations and synergies
Description: D12.1 will report on collaborations achieved with past and existing projects and initiatives relevant with the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy which will allow the NAUTILOS network to expand and build crucial synergies during and after the project.
D12.2 Publication of ESPCE - related citizen science data and graphical maps in the citizen science interface
D12.2 will include the publication of citizen science data related to the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy which will be collected during the citizen campaigns of Task 12.2. The data will be published in the citizen science interface (T8.4) and graphical maps indicating locations and respective quantities/frequencies of plastic litter data will be produced.
D12.3 Report on Citizen Science Campaigns (WP12)
Review and synthesis of citizen science campaign activities related to plastics in the ocean to the general public across a wide variety of audiences and venues including cruise ships, museums, science centers, and schools in collaboration with NGOs.
D12.4 Educational material for the Capacity Building Learning Labs
Report listing all developed training materials including details on which audience it addresses as well as the most suitable education and training format. EUROCEAN, with the support of HCMR, NIVA and the partners in WP3 and WP4, responsible for the development of the sensors and samplers will produce the teaching material which will be taught during summer schools to target early career scientists and marine technicians (organised by EurOcean and hosted by HCMR in Crete (Year 3) and by NIVA in Oslo, (Year 4)). The following deliverable will also include link to the e-learning modules placed on the project website developed on the basis of the teaching material.


D13.1 H - Requirement No. 1

– The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.

– The informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans and in regard to data processing must be submitted as a deliverable.

-Templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets covering the voluntary participation and data protection issues (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and the English version must be submitted as a deliverable.

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D13.2 POPD - Requirement No. 2

– The beneficiaries must confirm that a Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research. For beneficiaries not required to appoint a DPO under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) a detailed data protection policy for the project must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request. The confirmation for each beneficiary must
be submitted as a deliverable.

-The beneficiary must explain how all of the data they intend to process is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘data minimisation ‘principle). This must be submitted as a deliverable.

– A description of the technical and organisational measures that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.

– A description of the security measures that will be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to personal data or the equipment used for processing must be submitted as a deliverable.

– Description of the anonymysation/pseudonymisation techniques that will be implemented must be submitted as a deliverable.

– In case personal data are transferred from the EU to a non-EU country or international organisation, confirmation that such transfers are in accordance with Chapter V of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, must be submitted as a deliverable.

– In case personal data are transferred from a non-EU country to the EU (or another third state), confirmation that such transfers comply with the laws of the country in which the data was collected must be submitted as a deliverable.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.3 A - Requirement No. 3

– General information on the nature of the experiments, and the procedures to ensure animal welfare and adherence to EU Directive 2010/63/EU “on the protection of аnimаls used for scientific purposes” and to Three Rs principle must be submitted as a deliverable.

– Copies of relevant authorisations for animal experiments must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

– Copies of training certificates/personal licenses of the staff involved in animal experiments must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.4 NEC - Requirement No. 4

– If applicable, details on the materials which will be imported to/exported from the EU must be submitted as a deliverable.

– If applicable, copies of import/export authorisations, as required by national/EU legislation must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.5 EPQ - Requirement No. 5

– Further information about the possible harm to the environment caused by the research and the measures that will be taken to mitigate the risks must be submitted as a deliverable.

– The applicant must demonstrate that appropriate health and safety procedures conforming to relevant local/national guidelines/legislation are followed for staff involved in this project and for citizens involved in diving activities in the framework of the project. This information must be submitted as a deliverable.

– Details on the endangered species and/or protected areas involved in the research, and the measures to minimise the impact of the activities must be submitted as a deliverable.

– Copies of relevant authorisations must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.6 DU - Requirement No. 9

– If applicable, copies of export licenses must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.7 GEN - Requirement No. 10

A report by the Ethics Board must be submitted as a deliverable at the end of each reporting period.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.8 GEN - Requirement No. 11

A report by the Ethics Board must be submitted as a deliverable at the end of each reporting period.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.9 GEN - Requirement No. 12

A report by the Ethics Board must be submitted as a deliverable at the end of each reporting period.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable 

D13.10 GEN - Requirement No. 13

– If applicable, copies of relevant authorisations for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Underwater autonomous vehicles must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement) and submitted to the Agency upon request.

Contact the project coordinator if interested in receiving a confidential deliverable