The Citizen Science dedicated App is one of the cool tools that has been designed, implemented, and integrated into the NAUTILOS data infrastructure. It allows for the uploading and analyzing data gathered during various Citizen Science campaigns.
Data acquisition, management, and visualization work as a common entry-point to operate as a bridge towards NAUTILOS data infrastructure, with which they are fully integrated.

App main areas for data upload:

CS plastics-related campaigns (WP12)
Divers’ campaigns (WP10)
Crowdsourcing for visual marine image annotations (WP10)
Algal bloom related campaign (WP10)


Using the CS App requires an approved registration!

The primary goal of the developed App is to support citizen science activities with various focus that NAUTILOS project partners and other ocean-related professional organizations arrange.

The acquired data is exported to the web platform, which provides for the sharing of data collection in a standardised way and guarantees a straightforward access to the collected scientific data.

We welcome new partnering projects or initiatives that want to work in synergy with NAUTILOS.

To request access to the App, fill out the contact form.

Download the CS App User Guide here.