An engaging event unfolded on April 9th. Hosted by Nautilos in collaboration with experts from EurOcean, ISTI-CNR, EMODnet, EuroGOOS, ETT SpA, and CSIC, the event aimed to explore into the critical significance of continuous ocean observation across three key themes.

Participants were invited to discusse on:

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Uncover how ocean data empowers sustainable resource management and drives the blue economy. Gain insights into effective data integration strategies.
  • Public-Private Synergy: Explore collaborative efforts between sectors for ongoing ocean observation and the promotion of blue growth.
  • Global Collaboration: Share best practices and technological advancements fostering international cooperation in ocean observation. These principles closely align with the core message of the 3rd Nautilos Policy Brief titled “Beyond the Climate Change: Sustained Observation in Support of the Blue Economy,” set to launch during the event.

Additionally, the event unveiled the 3rd Nautilos Policy Brief entitled “Sustained observation for the blue economy.”

For those eager to learn more, the stream can be re-watched and a summary report can be accessed below.