Meet our WP4 Leader!
Name: Malardé Damien
Institution: Nke Instrumentation, in Hennebont, France
My role in Nautilos: I lead Work Packages 4, and also act as a partner on Work Packages 1 to 10; the leadership role on Work Package 4 is very demanding as we develop cost-effective sensing technologies in response to the needs for marine chemistry and Deep Ocean physics measurements, including biogeochemistry EOVs, deep ocean physics EOVs and MSFD descriptors. This requires a significant commitment and regular monitoring of developments. This Work Package is essential in the NAUTILOS project, as it is the Achilles heel of Work Packages 5 to 7, which concerns platform integration, calibration and on-site demonstration.

Who am I: I got my doctorate (PhD) in engineering sciences, specializing in optics and physical oceanography at IMT Atlantique, formerly Telecom Bretagne, after that I started my career as a young researcher at the French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) in Plouzané (Brittany), then I joined nke Instrumentation as a Research engineer, then as a R&D Project Manager in instrumentation for operational oceanography then a project coordinator for R&D National and European programmes. The main interests of research are based on optical instrumentation for oceanography and their integration on float platforms, surface buoy… This aspect has led me to work in many different and varied field applications: from freshwater monitoring to offshore applications…
As a consequence of this heterogeneous background, I worked on different R&D projects ranging from the development of density sensors, pCO2 spectrometers, fluorometers, electrochemical sensors… dedicated to different applications whether for the world of fisheries, operational oceanography, freshwater monitoring,… All this variety of application fields has contributed to keep the interest and vivacity of my work at a high level.
As a personal hobby, as I have been doing since the age of 7, I continue passionately play bombard within the Bagad Cap Caval, several times champion of Brittany.